COV4: recap yet again!
Enjoy this photo show, or picture show, as my mama
would say. Chicago you do this thing that charms me with
your midwestern gargantuan food portions, yet
breaks my heart overtime.
This was a hard trip. I was facing so many transitions:
people still remembering me as able-bodied; people uncomfortable
with my use of a scooter as a transmasculine brown person using
an assistive device which seemed sadly like such a threat, i.e.
“Ohhhh, hey why don’t you give me a ride?! or “Why are you on
that thing?! You are taking up space!”; remembering deaths of
dear family members; recollecting my old queer days;
midwestern gender binaries; heart ache; and having too
much time in a convention center.
What brought me life were the moments of intimacy— the
glares and smirks during workshops when someone said something
uplifting, the check ins for food and medicine by SDQTPOC and
our loving allies working to hustle resources for us, pool karaoke
time with my PNW & toronto homies, acupuncture from Geleni,
scooter shares with glorious lame and wobbly friends as well as those
feeling pain. Shouts to organizers Shira Hassan, Shonettia Monique,
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accountable and best ways they could for this mega long-awaited
conference! Your work has nourished me since my baby queer days,
continues to do so for so many communities. I’ve always respected
the tenacity and love from which y’all create political change and
movement building. Thank you for sharing the long work, the invested
time, the hard talks, the critical moments that ache, you know that love
and liberation take the hustle and the slow languid rough moments
that cannot be summarized by any tweet or FB status. The strategic
sharpness it takes to hold 2000+ people so hungry and so deserving
of one another is beautiful and I’m sending y’all such blessed

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